CSE Support Workers : part-time
27 December 2018
CSE Support Workers, part-time, required for our EnRoute project. Please visit our vacancies page for more information.
Happy Christmas
20 December 2018
We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us this year. We are so grateful for your monetary donations, for smaller gifts of clothing & toiletries, & to those of you - volunteers & trustees - who give the gift of time. All of these contributions make such a huge difference to the work of The Magdalene Group. A sincere thank you to you all, and a very happy Christmas!

Christmas Lunch
19 December 2018
Jonna, Abbie, Jess & Andrea, our Doorway Women's Services team, hosted a lovely festive lunch today for our service-users. Happy Christmas ladies!

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers : 17th December.
17 December 2018
Jonna, Abbie & Jess, from our Doorway Women's Service, have been holding a craft afternoon for service-users, during our Monday drop-in session today, to support international day to end violence against sex workers.

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers : 17th December.
17 December 2018
The Magdalene Group and Doorway Women's Service supports the international day to end violence against sex workers.

Love Norwich Christmas Hampers
13 December 2018
Once again, Love Norwich has provided Christmas dinner - in a box - with love - for a number of our service-users; Thank you so much!

Norfolk Children and Young People’s Mental Health Conference
13 December 2018
Two members of the Rose Project, Becky & Jess, attended the Norfolk Children and Young People’s Mental Health Conference yesterday at the John Innes Conference Centre, Norwich. This was a great opportunity to come alongside multiple agencies working across Norfolk all with one purpose; to nurture and protect the well-being of some of our county’s most vulnerable children. There was time to network with individuals and agencies, strengthening our existing partnerships as well as creating new ones. There were a variety of interesting keynote speakers and seminars, covering topics such as the effect of trauma on attachment in infants, and the poet Hollie McNish shared some of her spoken word with us in the afternoon. Overall, it was a really engaging and informative day.

Christmas Card making
12 December 2018
"In the run up to the festive period, we've been having an artsy drop-in session at Doorway this week. Everyone's been making such lovely cards and enjoying the crafts...more to come next week!" Abbie, Young Women's Outreach Worker
Victim Support visit
10 December 2018
"Tracey Woolf, Engagement Lead, Victim Support, visited The Magdalene Group today to give an update on recent restructuring and an overview of the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service (previously known as Victim Support). The team offers a free and confidential support service specifically designed to help victims and witnesses of crime. The service offers both emotional and practical support as well as assisting victims through all aspects of the Criminal Justice System. Useful Website Links: www.nsvictimcare.org and www.youandco.org.uk A very interesting and useful session." JK

Christmas Wrapping
03 December 2018
"On Sunday the lovely Amber kindly offered that we run a charity present wrapping stall, at the Fierce Babe Makers Market at Silver Road Community Centre. It was great to do a bit of fundraising and awareness-raising at such a lovely event, featuring some of Norwich's very talented female makers- thanks so much for having us!" Abbie Haines