
Did you know you can support The Magdalene Group by raising money every time you shop online? - and it doesn’t cost a penny! We’re using Easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that allows us to earn money when we all shop online. Easyfundraising works with over 7,000 online retailers, everyone from Tesco, eBay, Sports Direct, M&S, Boots, Just Eat, Booking.com, and everything in between.

Spot the signs : an introduction to CSE

Spot the signs : an introduction to CSE

You are invited to our first community leaders event to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation in Norfolk. Conversation will include; understanding the signs of sexual exploitation, what risks sexual exploitation will present, what makes a young person vulnerable, understanding the local processes and next steps safe adults can take to safeguard young people in Norfolk.

International Sex Workers Day

Today is International Sex Workers Day 2023 with the theme of "Access to Justice". As such, days such as International Sex Workers’ Day should be used as a platform to amplify the voices of the global sex worker movement, and demand equal access to justice. Sex workers continue to face a wide range of barriers to accessing justice, both as victims of crime and when charged with crimes. Most sex workers are denied access to the benefits and rights afforded to other workers under labour laws and face the risk of criminalisation, detention, deportation and legal sanction. We will use this day to continue to address stigma and systematic barriers that surround sex workers, as well as to promote the well-being and human rights of all individuals involved in the sex industry.

International Sex Workers Day

International Sex Workers Day

International Sex Workers’ Day is observed annually on June 2nd of each year, to honour sex workers and recognise their often exploited working conditions.

Volunteers’ Week 2023 : Celebrate and Inspire

Volunteers’ Week 2023 : Celebrate and Inspire

The Magdalene Group marks Volunteers’ Week 2023. This is the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1st - 7th June), when we will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them. The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole has never been more important. This Volunteers’ Week we celebrate and recognise the fantastic contribution our volunteers make. Thank you to : Sam, Sarah (F), Rachel, Ruth, Lottie & Sarah (S).

Evolve Workplace Wellbeing

I attended an Empowering Communities online workshop this morning, set up by Voluntary Norfolk in partnership with UEA's Evolve Workplace Wellbeing team. In this initial session, the Evolve team shared their Workplace Wellbeing toolkit, based on 7 years' worth of varied research on wellbeing & productivity. There were some 30 of us present, from similar backgrounds, all interested in wellbeing initiatives for both employees & volunteers within our voluntary organisations. A second in-person interactive session follows next month.

‘What next?’ by Nick Miller, Trustee of The Magdalene Group, from 2011-2022

" 'What next?` one asks as life`s milestones loom closer. `Formal retirement` approached – what could I contribute now, outside of work, and to whom? Becoming a trustee for The Magdalene Group was one answer. My background in law, social policy and local communities seemed to be what the Board were looking for and so, very hesitantly, I said they could give me a try for a year…

Wellbeing Event at Hellesdon High School

We were delighted to be invited to this annual event, promoting young people's mental health, & affording students & parents opportunities to find out more about support , both in-school and in the community. The Magdalene Group & The Rose Project were represented by Jade Todd, Team Leader & Lauren Harris, CSE Practitioner.

Mental Health Awareness week

Mental Health Awareness week

Free resources from NSPCC : https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-health-development/promoting-mental-health-wellbeing

Visit from The Harbour Centre

We were pleased to welcome Lydia Cross, Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA), from The Harbour Centre (Sexual Assault Referral Centre), Norfolk Constabulary, along with two of her colleagues this morning. The SARC offers free support & practical help to those who have been raped or sexually assaulted. It was both interesting & helpful to learn more about the referral process, how they manage client expectations, & their partnering with other agencies. We could see so many similarities with the services we offer.