CSE Awareness Day

CSE Awareness Day

Marking CSE Awareness Day yesterday............ For more photos go to our main Rose pages.............

CSE Awareness Day

CSE Awareness Day

Visit our Rose Project pages to see our newly revised booklet : Exploitation - Is it happening to me?

CSE Awareness Day

CSE Awareness Day

Help us stop Child Sexual Exploitation. CSE is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18, into sexual activity, sometimes in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection or status.

CSE Awareness Day …… coming up on Monday 18th March ……

CSE Awareness Day …… coming up on Monday 18th March ……

Help us stop Child Sexual Exploitation. CSE is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18, into sexual activity, sometimes in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection or status.

CSE Awareness Day…….. coming up on Monday 18th March……..

CSE Awareness Day…….. coming up on Monday 18th March……..

Help us stop Child Sexual Exploitation. CSE is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18, into sexual activity, sometimes in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection or status.

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

"In celebration of International Women's Day, we ran a special drop-in centered around self-esteem and positive self-image. We had a lot of good conversations about self-worth, some delicious cakes and a nail-painting session. It was a very positive afternoon celebrating womanhood." Abbie

International Women’s Day : 8th March.

International Women’s Day : 8th March.

International Women's Day 2019 campaign theme: #BalanceforBetter The future is exciting. Let's build a gender-balanced world. Everyone has a part to play - all the time, everywhere. From grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and celebrate its presence. Balance drives a better working world. Let's all help create a #BalanceforBetter.

Keep calm : it’s only a team away day!

Keep calm : it’s only a team away day!

Well, what a great time we all had at our Away Day yesterday! Special guests - including the Lord Mayor & Sheriff of Norwich; Ruth Goram, Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator, Norfolk Community Foundation; David Hynes, CEO, Norwich Charitable Trust & Morris Peacock, Partner, Howes Percival LLP - joined trustees, volunteers & the staff team at The Great Hospital - & what a lovely venue this is! - where everyone was welcomed by Georgina Holloway, our Chair of trustees. The day's theme was 'Looking Back, Looking Forward.' Suzi Heybourne, our CEO, started by sharing 'Tracey's story' with us; a stark reminder of what The Magdalene Group is all about, & a welcome opportunity to remember our founder Doreen Green, who still holds such a special place in our hearts. There followed short presentations by Jonna, Sara & Lesley, briefly outlining our Doorway, Rose & EnRoute projects respectively. Martin Schmierer, Lord Mayor, & Ros Brown, Sheriff, awarded us with our recently-achieved certificate as a Trusted Charity following a rigorous quality inspection through the National Council of Voluntary Organisations. The remainder of the morning focused on group work exploring our vision & mission statements. A delicious lunch - grace by Nick Miller - was enjoyed by all in the Refectory, where we were joined by friends old & new. Amanda Reynolds, of Blend Associates, facilitated our afternoon; more group work addressing such issues as : What is a woman? What housing do our women need? & How do we meet women's complex needs? Trustees Caroline Elliott, Janice Hulett & Lucy Macleod led these groups , where there was much lively discussion & plenty of food for thought! Finally a look at where the organisation might be in five years time. Such a memorable day. Thank you to everyone who contributed to its success. The day ended with a team-building event for staff which saw an Apprentice-style dash around the streets of Norwich with two teams competing in a treasure hunt.

Sexual Health Drop-ins

"It was a busy week for Sexual Health drop-ins, with staff from the Rose Project visiting three care homes around Norfolk. Young people got involved by learning about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the main seven STIs and matching these with the name of each one. They also discussed the various types of contraception available and learnt about the C-card. There were some lively debates and lots of myth busting!" Morwenna Chaffe, CSE Practitioner

The Abused

Norfolk Constabulary has been working with Channel 5 television in respect of a documentary concerning domestic abuse. The documentary called ‘The Abused’ will be shown at 9 p.m. on Channel 5 on 20th February. It follows the police and victim and witness services as they support two victims of domestic abuse. One case follows a victim from Great Yarmouth and the other from Norwich. Both cases saw successful prosecutions of the perpetrators who received custodial sentences. The film company has been provided extensive access to police material and the victims have fully supported the documentary providing consent throughout. The documentary has been developed to tell the victim’s experience from their point of view. It is very powerful.