Bake sale for EnRoute

Johnson Controls held a fund-raising bake-sale on International Women's Day last week, raising £108 which they have very kindly donated towards our EnRoute project. Huge thanks.

International Women’s Day : Thursday 8th March.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Students from The Nicholas Hamond Academy Sixth Form, Swaffham, have a bake-sale & other fundraisers planned tomorrow. This in aid of vulnerable women on International Women's Day & will support our EnRoute project.

CSE Awareness Day

Countdown to National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March.............

Eastern Daily Press article

Bishop of Norwich visit

We were delighted to welcome one of our patrons, The Right Reverend Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, to The Magdalene Group for a visit this morning. Suzi & the team gave a presentation of our current services and the developing EnRoute project. We appreciate Reverend Graham taking time out of his busy schedule to come and see us and we are always so grateful for his enthusiastic support.

UEA/UEA Students’ Union Never OK Information Fair

Holly, our WONDER Link Project Worker, attended the Never OK event at the University of East Anglia, which was held to promote services offering support to students if they encounter any abuse, harassment or assault. There were around 10 organisations present, giving out leaflets and talking to students. In the afternoon they held a panel discussion : 'when is banter appropriate?' The mission statement for the Never OK campaign is: We believe that everyone has the right to live, study and work in a safe and supportive environment. That everybody is free from abuse, harassment and/or assault. We strive to promote a safe campus and safe city.

Child Sexual Exploitation / Exploring the practical challenges of working with victims

Jade and Sophie, two of our Young People's Workers, are excited to be in Leeds today, with Basis, undergoing Level 3 advanced Child Sexual Exploitation training : exploring the practical challenges.

CSE Awareness Day

Countdown to National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March.............

Mothers’ Union, Pulham Market

Pulham Market Mothers' Union meets at The Brewhouse on the second Tuesday of every month, with a varied programme of talks & projects & speakers. Suzi Heybourne, our CEO, was invited to speak about the work of The Magdalene Group at their February meeting. This was a lovely afternoon, & we are very grateful for their hospitality & their donations.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

Today is safer internet day! Remember to check your privacy settings and make sure you only add/accept people you know and have met. #Keepingsafe #SID2018 Follow the link to find out some top tips on how to stay safe online :