Supported Accommodation Team Leader : job vacancy

Please visit our vacancies page for details of this exciting opportunity within our new EnRoute project; plus more information about forthcoming vacancies in January 2018.

On Track

Bobbie Dean, one of our Young People's Workers, attended the launch event of On Track at The King's Centre last week. On Track is a new free service to help young people, aged 16 - 24 years, get into work, education or training. A very exciting & worthwhile new initiative.

Guest speaker

Fantastic to have Sarah Hegarty, project worker at The Children's Society CARE (child at risk of exploitation) service in Essex, with us last Thursday, to speak to us about child exploitation and trafficking - great to have a refresher and to gain more understanding around current issues. A very knowledgeable & passionate speaker.

County Lines theatre production

In 2017, AlterEgo Creative Solutions were commissioned by Norfolk Constabulary to develop an Applied Theatre play to raise awareness around Child Criminal Exploitation - specifically the strand of the County Lines drug trafficking model that sees vulnerable adults and young people living in regional areas of the UK targeted by organised groups and gangs, that have travelled from more urban city locations, to groom, trick, trap and manipulate them into trafficking drugs and sometimes weapons. AlterEgo have preformed the play to over sixty high schools in Norfolk. Becky, from The Rose Project, went to see the performance at The Garage last night. "The play exceeds all expectations, we were amazed at how easy it is for our young people to be trapped into a world of drink, drugs and exploitation."

CSE presentation

"I delivered a presentation on Child Sexual Exploitation to second-year students at the UEA. This presentation looked at what child sexual exploitation is, the risk indicators to look for and case studies on recent grooming incidents. It was well-attended and well-received." Sophie Grimmer, Young People's Worker.

Domestic Abuse Forum

Jonna Barry, our Women's Services Co-ordinator, attended the Domestic Abuse Partner Forum, hosted by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Some 25 people from agencies across the county attended the event, which aimed to understand the provision for victims in the county, challenges faced by support agencies and identify best practice.

Child Sexual Abuse conference

"Having a great day at Dunston Hall Hotel for the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board 2-day child sexual abuse conference. Lots of great speakers and in a lovely venue!" Jade Brophy, Young People's Worker.

WONDER Project update

"The WONDER Project supports women in Norfolk who have been held in custody at either Wymondham or Kings Lynn PIC (Police Investigation Centre.) Women may choose to self-refer into the project, or it may be part of a conditional caution. A link worker will assess each individual’s needs and develop a support plan. This can include support in areas such as : alcohol dependency or drug addiction, housing issues, mental health, domestic abuse, managing strong feelings or a crime-free life. The link worker will then work alongside the individual and support her to access the support she needs. " Holly Wegg, WONDER Project worker

Love Norwich Christmas Appeal

Love Norwich Christmas Hampers meet a very real and current need for people in Norwich. Food poverty is a huge problem in our city and the hamper appeal aims to relieve some of this stress and help families in need over the Christmas period. Love Norwich provides hampers for some of our service-users; in turn we support Love Norwich with donations/contributions. Please contact us on if you would like more information and/or would like to help provide Christmas dinner in a box... with love.

Crucial Crew

"What a fantastic three days it has been attending Crucial Crew and delivering vital internet safety information and advice to young people. Keep up the great work and stay safe." Jade Brophy, Young People's Worker.