National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day

Today is National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day.

Last year we worked with 85 young people in Norfolk who were sexually exploited and received 550 referrals for young people who went missing from home or care who are then putting themselves at risk of child sexual exploitation.

One young person said of their experiences “I really thought he loved me and we were in a proper relationship.  I had no idea that what he was doing was wrong.”

It is all of our responsibility to keep our young people safe and today we are launching our safety leaflet to continue to raise awareness amongst young people of how to recognise Child Sexual Exploitation and  to keep themselves safe.  Please distribute our safety leaflet through your social media networks to highlight this hidden issue.

CSE Awareness Day – Safety Booklet

Remember you can also support National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day by getting involved with the following:

– Follow and share our social media campaign throughout the CSE Awareness Day on FacebookROSE Project and Twitter @RoseProjectOrg

– Follow the National Working Group Campaign  #HelpingHands at

Thanks for your support- together we can raise awareness of CSE!