Sexualised trauma training

We were delighted to welcome Zoe Lodrick yesterday, for a full day's training session around sexualised trauma. For someone not front-facing, but wishing to learn more about the work of my colleagues, I found it fascinating & informative. Zoe has expertise in sexualised trauma, domestic abuse, victim behaviour, sex offending & the interviewing of victims of sexual crimes. Additionally she has considerable knowledge regarding the therapeutic needs of victims/survivors of rape, sexual assault, child sexual exploitation/abuse & domestic abuse. She is a great speaker, with many stories to tell.

Afternoon Out

Afternoon Out

The whole team enjoyed a rare afternoon out recently, courtesy of Georgina Holloway, our chair of trustees. We had such a lovely time! - thank you Georgie!

Happy Wedding Day!

Warmest wishes to Bianca & Kevin on their wedding day this weekend. Have a lovely day both of you!