Photos from Norwich Pride

Photos from Norwich Pride

Photos from Norwich Pride

Photos from Norwich Pride

Ahead of Norfolk Day…..

The Magdalene Group is proud to be based in the county, and to be supporting women and young people in Norfolk.

Clinks : Working and Volunteering in Prison training

"On Wednesday I travelled to London for training delivered by Clinks, an organisation which supports, promotes and represents voluntary organisations working with people in the criminal justice system. Our trainer Helen was great and let us steer the training to what was relevant to us and we had some lively debates within our group about stigma and the cycles of offending. We also covered broader criminal justice procedures, desistance theory, safeguarding and professional boundaries. It was such an interesting day and great to build my confidence with prison visiting as it's such a beneficial part of Doorway's work. As always, it was great to connect with so many other people working in this field from across the UK." Abbie Haines, Outreach Worker

Tricky Period

Tricky Period

Homeless women and females on low incomes benefit from services set up to provide free sanitary products at Norwich’s main libraries. The Tricky Period project involves the libraries taking donations of products and handing them out to people who cannot afford them, with no questions asked about proof of eligibility. The Magdalene Group supports this initiative & can provide its service-users with any sanitary products they require.

Norwich Pride 2019

Norwich Pride 2019

Come and see us at Norwich Pride on Saturday..... we'll be in Chapelfield Gardens.....

Jigsaw at St. Michael’s Junior School

"Two members of the team delivered four sessions for 90 Year 6 students at St Michael’s Junior School in Bowthorpe, Norwich last week. The students were brilliant and asked lots of engaging questions around online safety and consent. Some comments from the children included: “I know I can say no if I want to now”, “I’ve learned that age restrictions on websites are there for a reason”, and “If I wouldn’t show my mum and dad then I shouldn’t post it”. Jess Hubbard

Currently recruiting…..

We have vacancies for CSE Practitioners, full- and/or part-time, at EnRoute, our supported accommodation project. For further details and an application pack please visit our EnRoute pages.......... and/or our vacancies page..........

Norwich City College : Teaching & Learning Day

Norwich City College : Teaching & Learning Day

"Two members of the team had a fantastic day today at City College Norwich for their Staff Teaching & Learning Day. We had a stand as part of the "Living Library" and were able to share with members of the faculty about the various aspects of The Magdalene Group, especially the Rose Project. Everyone we spoke to was encouraged by the valuable work we are doing, and it was a great opportunity to speak to staff who are often the first ones to spot the signs of exploitation in young people." Jess Hubbard, Outreach Worker

CSE Training

“Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July 2019 – Child Sexual Exploitation training level 2 & 3. At the beginning of this week our team had the pleasure of receiving two days’ worth of training from the lovely Devin from Basis Yorkshire. It was a fabulous opportunity for us to bring the whole team together to re-focus on the core of our ROSE work, child sexual exploitation. For many of the staff it was reassurance that we are working to best practice within the field of exploitation and we had some great debates around new and emerging key issues such as the role of gender, the cross-overs with CCE (Child Criminal Exploitation) and the way in which technology has changed the grooming process. Devin was an incredible teacher and facilitator and took us through the basics of what exploitation is, common vulnerability factors and what the grooming process looks like. After this we were able to build on this to discuss the cycle of change, understanding trauma and its effects on a young person's life and engagement, best practice around working with hard-to-reach groups and a refresher on disclosures. Thanks again to Basis for coming to deliver this training; it was so interesting to hear the similarities between our organisations and to strengthen our nationwide connections.” Abbie Haines, Outreach Worker.