Norwich’s Magdalene Group helping young people at risk of exploitation
07 June 2013
A new campaign spearheaded by The Magdalene Group and aimed at helping young people and women stay safe from sexual abuse and exploitation is being launched at the Forum today by the Rt Rev Graham James, Bishop of Norwich.
The campaign hopes to reach people in Norfolk who are engaged in risky online behaviour, those who are being sexually groomed or targeted, online sex workers and those who feel at risk.
"“When I came into post two-and-a-half-years ago I realised that the women we engage with have often been in sex work for many, many years, since they were very young,” said Suzi Heybourne, director of Norwich-based The Magdalene Group.
“Often, the problems these women have are complex and their lifestyles are chaotic and it’s harder to reach out to them to offer help and see if there are other choices for them.
“We thought it would be a good idea to try and reach out to younger people in a bid to try and prevent problems or tackle them in the early days rather than later down the line.”"
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