Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

A big thank you to …..

A big thank you to …..

..... students from City College, Norwich, who visited last week, with wonderful gifts for the women we support. Thank you.

Are you part of the Night-Time Economy in Norwich?……

Would you like to be better-equipped to handle sexual violence? Contact us to find out more about our free sessions : : or call 01603 610256. All of The Magdalene Group's training and education programmes are informed by our 30 years of supporting and advocating for sexual violence victim-survivors.

A warm welcome to…..

.....Agnes Rothon, who joins us today, as a Child Sexual Exploitation Practitioner, with the Rose Project. We look forward to working with her.

Sessions for professionals

Our popular occasional sessions for professionals continue online for the moment; hosted by members of our Rose & Doorway teams, they provide not only an opportunity for us to share the work of The Magdalene Group, but also for professionals from other agencies to talk about their roles and experiences, & between us we can share best practice. New year sessions will take place from 10 - 11 a.m. on Wednesday 26th February, Tuesday 25th March and Wednesday 23rd April. If you would like to attend, please e-mail or contact the office on 01603 610256 to book a place, as numbers are limited.

You Know When a Conversation Starts With: “You Can Say No If You Want To, But I Think You’d Be Really Good…” by Angela Brett

In October 2023, my (very) supportive boss, Richard Ross, approached me with a proposal/idea/suggestion... Yvonne, his wife, and a Trustee of The Magdalene Group (TMG), mentioned that the charity would be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024. To mark this milestone, they wanted to organise a fundraising event, a Charity Ball. With my experience in the third sector and hosting charity events, they both thought I’d be a good fit.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day : 11th January

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day : 11th January

“Human Trafficking Awareness Day takes place on 11th January every year and is a solemn reminder of the ongoing fight against human trafficking, a grave violation of human rights affecting millions worldwide. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the different forms of human trafficking, including labour and sexual exploitation, and to educating the public about how to identify and combat this global issue. Human Trafficking Awareness Day serves as a call to action for governments, organizations, and individuals to increase efforts to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute perpetrators. It’s a day to shed light on the plight of victims and to promote the importance of human rights, dignity, and freedom. By bringing attention to this critical issue, the day aims to inspire collective action and foster a world where such exploitation is eradicated.”

Happy New Year

Happy Christmas!

We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us through the past twelve months. We are so grateful for your monetary donations, for smaller gifts of clothing & toiletries, & to those of you - volunteers & trustees - who give the gift of time. Special thanks - in this our anniversary year - to all of our new supporters. All of your contributions make such a huge difference to the work of The Magdalene Group. A sincere thank you to you all, & a very happy Christmas!