Midnight Strut

1 day to go and we have 70 people joining the Strut tomorrow. Not too late to sign up...... We cannot wait to strut our stuff together and make a stand to end violence against women and girls. A message to all attendees........have you arranged your travel home?.........

You might like to see this promotional video ahead of the Midnight Strut…….


One week to go….

One week to go….

Only one week to go until our Midnight Strut! Have you signed up yet? If not, you still have time! Sign up here: https://magdalenegroup.org/midnight-strut We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has signed up so far, and to those who have generously donated. Let's strut together and call to action the eradication of violence against women and girls!

Counting Dead Women, 2024

Counting Dead Women, 2024

As part of our Midnight Strut next Wednesday, we will be holding a vigil to remember the 108 women who lost their lives to male violence in the last year (Counting Dead Women, 2024).

High Sheriff’s visit

We were delighted to welcome the current High Sheriff of Norfolk, David Flux, & his wife & Lady Consort Lisa, to The Magdalene Group this morning, to meet & chat with Suzi, our CEO, Georgie, our Chair of Trustees, & Caroline, our Service Co-ordinator, & to learn more about all that our services have to offer, & about the special events planned for this our 30th anniversary year.

Senior Practitioner, Young People’s Service : vacancy

A reminder that the closing date for applications for this new role is tomorrow. Full details on our vacancies page : https://magdalenegroup.org/home/vacancies/

Childhood Day : 7th June 2024

Play your part to help keep children safe this Childhood Day.

Two weeks to go until the Midnight Strut!

Two weeks to go until the Midnight Strut!

Sign up here: https://magdalenegroup.org/midnight-strut

Two weeks to go…..

Two weeks to go…..

.....until our Midnight Strut. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far; we're looking forward to seeing you all there. For those who haven't, you can sign up here: https://magdalenegroup.org/midnight-strut

Welcoming our neighbours…….

Welcoming our neighbours…….

"We had a great afternoon welcoming our neighbouring businesses to find out more about our service." Caroline Hill, Service Co-ordinator